The Show
Bosskatie Entertainment is a reality show/short film series that tells the story of Bosskatie and Aluna Dragon, two intergalactic influencers that have come to Planet Earth to help awaken the masses to their true limitless potential. I am the creator, director, and producer of the show, but it wouldn’t be possible with out my amazing co-star Aluna Dragon, and the many contributors that have helped along the way.
Below you will find the first two episodes.
This is one of the reasons why I am competing in the InfluenceME contest. I have held the vision of a reality show for several years, because I want my messages to get out to the world, and I want to build a new form of entertainment and media that is based in real life. I believe that anything is possible, and your wildest dreams can become real, you just have to believe in yourself, and the forces of nature.
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March 15, 2022 at 5:08 amsaw u on phils live sending u the best!! I too have been just straight up ask for what I want!
March 15, 2022 at 5:13 amThanks Janae! Check out my YouTube channels, you might resonate with my content 🙂